Violaine Melançon
Violaine Melançon is Associate Professor of Violin at the Schulich School of Music at McGill University. With pianist Meagan Milatz, she forms Duo M, a partnership that enjoys presenting unusual gems of the duo repertoire. She served until 2019 on the faculty of the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. Violaine was until 2016 the founding violinist of the Peabody Trio during the ensemble’s life span, and with them actively performed internationally.
During the summer months, Violaine teaches at Domaine Forget International Music and Dance Academy, the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival, the Summer Violin Institute at Northwestern University Bienen School of in Chicago, and since 2022, the Session Sonates Violon et Piano in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec. Violaine performs as well on baroque violin and enjoys collaborating in concert with many Canadian and American early music performers.
Violaine’s performances can be heard on the Naxos, Artek, CRI, and New World Records labels. www.violainemelancon.com